About us

Horizon Swiss Flight Academy is an Approved Training Organisation (CH.ATO.0146) and an approved Maintenance Training and Examination Organisation (CH.147.0018) by the Federal Office of Civil Aviation. All Horizon courses comply with the EASA Part-FCL and EASA Part-147 regulations.




Flugschule Grenchen

Flight school partner

With many years of experience in flight training and a diverse fleet of aircraft Flugschule Grenchen is the ideal partner for a complete training on SEP from PPL to CPL. You will be guided efficiently to your goal through individual flight training or the participation on weekend courses. You can be optimize your time by taking advantage of accommodation that can be provided. Prior flight experience and flight hours from SPHAIR courses are fully credited toward your goal.



Flight school partner

The flight school located in Mollis trains Horizon's pilots during practical PPL and CPL phases. Moreover it serves as SPHAIR training center. The flight school convinced us with its innovative training concepts.

Flugschule Basel

Flight school partner

In 2020 Flugschule Basel and Horizon SFA extended their existing cooperation. Horizon SFA's students will be able to complete part of their training in the Airline Pilot Cadet Programme at the EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg.


Flugschule Fricktal

Flight school partner

The Fricktal flight school is based at the Schupfart airfield in the canton of Aargau (Rheinfelden district). We look back on many years of constructive cooperation with Flugschule Fricktal. This flight school maintains a fleet of five basic training aircraft, that train our students in the Airline Pilot Cadet Program at PPL and night flight level.

Flugschule Eichenberger

Flight school partner

The flight school located in Buttwil trains Horizon's pilots during practical PPL and CPL phases on their own airfield in the canton of Aargau. In addition the flight school also Horizon Distance Learning courses for theoretical training.

Kreutzer Aviation Services

Flight school partner

As SPHAIR flight school Kreutzer Aviation is an excellent choice for all students with SPHAIR experience, because it can fully be accredited towards a PPL.


Flight school partner

Avilù provides single engine piston training for Horizon Cadets aiming to achieve their frozen ATPL from AVILÙ’s base in Lugano under the Horizon ATO.

Air Fribourg Services

Flight school partner

Air Fribourg Services located on the aerodrome of Écuvillens in the western part of Switzerland provides single engine piston training for Horizon Cadets. The SPHAIR experience can be accredited for the Horizon SFA's students too.



Horizon SFA is a proud sponsor of the academic aviation club of Zurich. We share insights of the aviation world and our organisation with academic aviation enthusiasts scattered across Switzerland.


School partner

Horizon SFA and Zürich University of applied Sciences collaborate closely. The Bachelor program in aviation allows students to obtain a frozen ATPL in combination with the BSc.


Lufthansa Aviation Training

School partner

Reciprocate use of D-SIM-42 simulators, DA42 aircraft and Airbus 320 family Full Flight Simulors and as been agreed between Lufthansa Aviation Training Switzerland and Horizon Swiss Flight Academy.


Media Partner

The organisation provides information for aspiring pilots in western Switzerland. Horizon SFA and Pilotesuisse collaborate in order to make pilot training more accessible throughout Switzerland.



Capzlog.aero complies with all EASA recommendations for setting new standards for electronic flight logbooks. In addition, advanced mechanisms are built in to ensure that logbook data is accurate, complete and credible at all times.
Horizon SFA student pilots use capzlog.aero during their training. The Horizon SFA business account enables the flight school to track the progress of each student's practical training in real time.

Milestones & History


On 15th of June 1979 Horizon Swiss Flight Acadeny was founded in Grenchen/SO with a share capital of CHF 60’000.

In autumn the theoretical trainings for commercial pilots and instrument flying start in Grenchen, St. Margrethen, Emmenbrücken and Nebikon. 13 employees.

40 instructors and 7 twin-engine aircraft are in operation

Decision for the procurement of a Seneca III simulator and two aircraft of the same type. Adaptation of training concepts.

Revolution in instrument flight training. 30 hours are now performed in the simulator. The actual flight program is concentrated on 10 hours with cross-country flights in Europe. A study proves effectivity and efficiency of the new training concept. Examiners confirm its higher training quality.

Start of VFR training and implementation of Piper Archer II aircraft.

FOCA approval for integrated Commercial Pilot and Instrument flight training.

The first VFR simulator is put into service. A new era of pilot training starts.

As one of the first flight academys worldwide, Horizon is certificated according ISO 9001.

Implementation of a new evaluation procedure for pilots: HUPEX (Human Potential Explorer). Stress tolerance and decision quality under pressure can now be identified and assessed

Horizon becomes partner of Lufthansa, KLM and EPAG in the EU project  “Lilienthal-Distant Learning PPL” via internet.

Training adjustment according to the new European standards JAR-FCL (Joint Aviation Requirements-Flight Crew Licencing).

17 February 2000: Horizon is granted the JAR-FCL certificate and becomes an approved Flying Training Organisation (FTO Nr. 110 146), as one of the  first Swiss institutions.

Start for the Distant ATPL Academy DAA. As the first FTO, Horizon offers the entire theoretical ATPL training by means of a Distance Learning Course with an e-learning platform.

Horizon celebrates its 25-year anniversary.

In addition to the Distant ATPL Academy DAA, similar courses for the IR, CPL, CPL/IR, and ATPL Stand Alone are approved by the Federal Office for Civil Aviation.

Horizon’s experience and success with distance learning courses comes to operator’s attention: Elearning and information platforms are created and hosted for Helvetic Aiways, Jet Aviation, and Global Jet Luxembourg.

Horizon announces the introduction of its new training concept with DA42 Twin Star and the D-SIM-42. The simulator is put into service in autumn 2007.

The Horizon concept now also takes place in the helicopter field: FOCA-approved courses are offered for the levels PPL and CPL, according to JAR-FCL 2.

Relocation to Kloten and inauguration of the Hangar 56 Simulation Center. 

The DA42 Twin Star "HB-LUK" joins the Horizon fleet.

Horizon celebrates its 30-year anniversary

Training for Operators complements the Horizon course offers.

The Horizon SFA training concept is expanded with the bases East (St. Gallen), Central (Buttwil) and North (Fricktal).

Horizon is certified as Approved Training Organisation ATO according to EASA standards.

Horizon is granted approval as Flight School, according to ISO 29990:2010 and agrees in a partnership agreement with Flugschule Grenchen for practical training PPL-CPL and theory CPL-IR-ATPL.

Our D-SIM-42 Twin Star is now certified for Multi Crew Cooperation Courses as the first FNPT II of its kind.

Horizon ELC (E-Learning Campus) go-live as new distance learing plattform. 

Approval granted by Swiss FOCA to provide Type Ratings for Airbus A320 family. 

Cooperation between Horizon and the ZHAW for a dual study course BSc. and frozen ATPL.

Horizon enters cooperation with Ecoflight and Kreutzer Aviation for practical flight training PPL-CPL. 

Dipl. Pilot HF Education is now offered by Horizon. 

Horizon receives Part 147 Approval for type training on Embraer 170/190 and is directly chosen by Air Astana for the Embraer 190 B1/B2 type training.

First A320 type rating has commenced for Germania Switzerland.

Alpaviation becomes a partner flight school. Horizon SFA extends its network to Bern-Belp.

Horizon SFA agrees to purchase two new Diamond Aircraft DA42-VI and one simulator. 

Horizon SFA celebrates its 40th anniversary.

Two new DA42-VI aircract (HB-LVB and HB-LVC) join the Horizon fleet. Additionally a new DA42 simulator (FNPT-II) was put into operation. 

The Airline Cadet Programme in collaboration with Helvetic Airways and easyJet Switzerland was introduced. 

Horizon receives approval for the ERJ190-300/400 (E2) type course for technical training.

Flugschule Basel becomes a partner flight school of Horizon SFA.

Horizon receives approval for Upset prevention & Recovery Training.

AVILÙ becomes a partner flight school of Horizon SFA and opens doors for candidates from the south of Switzerland.



Confidence is the best foundation for every training. With the confidence and mouth-to-mouth propaganda of former students, Horizon could establish itself as the major flight training organisation in Switzerland.

Pilotin werden Ausbildung Horizon Swiss Flight Academy
Sandra Meisser
First Officer - Edelweiss Air

"I was able to realize my childhood dream and enjoy now every minute above the clouds in this fascinating and exciting environment. Horizon SFA helped me to achieve this goal. Next to my job as First Officer it is my pleasure to work as a freelance theoretical knowledge instructor for Horizon."

Linienpilot Horizon Swiss Flight Academy
Michael Frohofer
Commander - Helvetic Airways

"While working as a teacher the Horizon Distance Learning Concept allowed me to fulfill my dream of becoming an airline pilot. Now I fly the Embraer 190 as Commander for Helvetic Airways."

Yannick Fernandes
First Officer - easyJet Switzerland

"I could successfully manage my career start with Horizon's support. I can now enjoy Europe in an exciting environment. The profession airline pilot is an everyday challenge. I am aware of my responsibility and I constantly try to improve myself."

Leonardo Iacovazzo
First Officer - Emirates

"My first job led me to Helvetic Airways, after my training with Horizon. Now, another dream came true: First Officer with Emirates on A380-800. I gladly accept this new challenge on long-haul routes to see the world."

Yannik Maritz
First Officer - easyJet Switzerland

"The ability to become an airline pilot whilst working part-time suited me extremely well. I continued to work as polytechnician but was still able to swiftly pass through the training modules. I was instantly hired by easyJet Switzerland as a First Officer on Airbus A320 after graduating, and now live my dream as an airline pilot."


"It’s a Wrap!”: The Official HORIZON Video

HORIZON Swiss Flight Academy - Video: Your first choice to make your pilot dream come true.


Infoevent - Now in English!

Since September, Horizon has been organising monthly information evenings in English, in addition to the German-language information evenings, to also address potential candidates from non-German-speaking parts of Switzerland as well as from border regions in France and Italy.

From contactless to more contact

During the peak of the pandemic, it was not only contactless at the checkout but also between people. However, this isolation has been gradually dissolving. We are therefore proud to announce that we can look back on a dynamic, interactive and personal period since the summer.

Class of 2021

Zurich Airport is a door to the world, and the licence they obtained is the key to it.

Go Abroad!

Borders are open again! Our partner flight schools in New Bern, NC, USA (D2 Flight Academy; formerly Tradewind Aviation Services) and in Midrand, South Africa (AvconJet Africa) near Johannesburg are looking forward to welcoming numerous Horizon students who are planning to conduct some of their hour-building in the coming months. 

A320 Type Rating

We are pleased to have received the approval from the FOCA to conduct A320 Type Ratings in October. 

"All-in-One" with ForeFlight

Since January 2019, Horizon has been using ForeFlight from Boeing for hands-on flight training. ForeFlight is an "all-in-one" planning and flight monitoring app that is applied to the iPads of our instructors and students.

Flying Greener - Helvetic Airways' E2 Fleet

To contribute to a sustainable future, our sister and partner Helvetic Airways has decided to own one of the most modern and sustainable fleet in Europe for short- and medium-haul flights.

Embraer E2 Engine Run-up and Taxi Training

For troubleshooting purposes or after certain maintenance work, engine test runs must also be performed on the E2. In addition to simple leak runs at low power, so-called high-power runs or runs with rapidly changing speeds are often necessary. (...)

EDUCA SWISS supports Horizon students

EDUCA SWISS is a Swiss foundation for education promotion and financing. They support motivated people in the realization of their educational project by providing free assistance in planning, budgeting and by arranging educational loans at low-interest rates. 

New Partner Flight School: Avilù S.A. in Lugano!

Horizon and Avilù are proud to announce that Avilù S.A. is now an official partner flight school of Horizon Swiss Flight Academy.

Alpaviation & Ecoflight - Bristell B23

New season, new aircraft. We are happy to announce the partial renewal and addition to the fleets of our partner flight schools Alpaviation and Ecoflight! 

ISO 21001

Horizon is ISO 21001 certified since February 2021.

Document Digitization - Webmanuals

Simple and accessible anytime, anywhere. The most important documents in one place.


Stay Current – First impressions

The goal of this programme is for students to maintain currency of their MEP/IR ratings.

Flugschule Basel becomes a partner flight school of Horizon SFA

Flugschule Basel becomes a partner flight school of Horizon SFA

Horizon SFA provides UPRT (Upset Prevention and Recovery Training) courses acc. FCL.745A

Horizon SFA provides Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) courses acc. FCL.745A

Ron Teichmann takes over as CEO of Horizon Swiss Flight Academy Ltd. on April 1st 2020

Ron Teichmann, current Accountable Manager and COO will take over as CEO of Horizon Swiss Flight Academy from Michael Anklin. 

Federal training subsidies (VFAL103)

The new law, which makes it possible for all candidates to obtain subsidies for training to become a professional pilot...

Horizon SFA adds Diamond DA42 Simulator

In addition to our two new Diamond DA42-VI training aircraft, Horizon received a new simulator beginning of September. 

40 Jahre Horizon SFA

Am 13.09.2019 fand die grosse Jubiläumsfeier, anlässlich des 40-jährigen Bestehens von Horizon SFA im Flieger Flab Museum in Dübendorf statt. 

Embraer 190-E2 Approval

We are delighted to announce that the FOCA has granted us the approval to provide Maintenance Training on Embraer 190-E2 aircraft types ERJ-190 Series (PWG 1900G)

Collaboration between Horizon SFA and CFAC

Horizon Swiss Flight Academy and the Center of Aviation Competence of the University of St. Gallen collaborate during the course Advanced Federal Diploma (Höhere Fachschule).

Fleet Expansion completed

Two new Diamond DA42-VI aircraft (HB-LVB and HB-LVC) have sucessfully been integrated in Horizon SFA's operation. The ferry flight of the last aircraft took place on June 26th and was accompanied by a media representative. 

Horizon SFA at Bern-Belp Airport

Horizon Swiss Flight Academy adds a training base at Bern-Belp Airport and starts a collaboration with alpaviation. 

Approval for Embraer EMB 135/145 Types

Horizon Swiss Flight Academy was granted an Extension of the EASA Part-147 Approval for Embraer EMB 135/145 Types.

easyJet Switzerland Pre-Screening

easyJet Switzerland has conducted the first pre-screening assessment of Horizon SFA Classic students. We are delighted to announce that six student pilots have successfully passed the assessment and thus will be provided with a letter of intent...

Flight School Network

Horizon Swiss Flight Academy has constatly increased it's partner flight school network across Switzerland. Currently we work together with six flight schools for single engine piston training. Recently the network has been expanded with Kreutzer Aviation Services in Altenrhein and Ecoflight in Mollis. All flight schools are already preparing Horizon SFA Classic students for reaching their goal of becoming airline pilots.

Maintenance Training and Examination Organisation Approval Certificate

Horizon Swiss Flight Academy is very proud to having received the official Maintenance Training and Examination Organisation Approval Certificate, issued by the Swiss FOCA. Horizon SFA is certified for the entire Embraer E-Jet family. The first courses will start in March 2018 at our premises in Zürich-Kloten. We will offer courses for A, B1, B2 und C licence categories.


Contact us

Steinackerstrasse 56

CH-8302 Kloten


Open with GoogleMaps

Tel +41 (0) 44 862 07 07


47.4475044, 8.6028817

How to get there?

You can reach us by public transport, only 9 minutes from Zürich-Airport by Bus 765 (bus stop Grubenstrasse, Kloten).

If you choose to come by car, parking for guests is avaliable in front of the building. 

Social Media Wall

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