Embraer 190-E2 Refresher or Continuation
This course is designed for individuals with at least a Part 66 B1 and/or B2 license who previously completed the Embraer ERJ 190 (PW 1900G) / Embraer 190-300 & Embraer 190-400 Series (Embraer 190-E2) B1 and/or B2 maintenance type training course. The content of this course will be based on individual requirements. The course might be structured to refresh system knowledge, to train changes in the aircraft systems, or as combination of both.

The duration of the theoretical part of this course will be mutually agreed between the customer and Horizon Swiss Flight Academy.

Unless otherwise specified, the course is provided at the facilities of Horizon Swiss Flight Academy in Kloten, Switzerland for the theoretical part. The practical part will be conducted at the maintenance facility of Helvetic Airways at Zürich International Airport.
Upon request, a course can be provided as well at the customers location. Acceptable training rooms and infrastructure must be provided by the customer for the theoretical part, and access to aircraft, maintenance facilities and tooling for the instructor and all trainees for the practical part of the course.

The course price is subject to the contents and length of the course, and will be agreed upon between the customer and Horizon Swiss Flight Academy. Course locations and customizations can have an influence on the course prices. Please contact us directly for your specific course offer.
Course Objectives
After completion of the Maintenance Type Training Refresher and/or Continuation Course for Embraer ERJ 190 (PW 1900G) / Embraer 190-300 & Embraer 190-400 Series Series (Embraer 190-E2), the participants will be able to conduct the following tasks in an independent manner for the selected systems and subjects:
- recall the safety precautions
- provide detailed description of the system, structure, powerplant and their interrelationship
- use, interpret and apply the appropriate documentation incl. SRM, TSM etc.
- identify special tooling and test equipment
- identify the location of principal components
- correlate information from various sources for troubleshooting to maintenance manual level
- describe the procedures for servicing
- describe typical functional checks per AMM
- describe removal/installation procedures
This requires understanding and access to valid technical documentation, such as the Maintenance Manual, System Schematics Manual, Wiring Manual, Illustrated Parts Catalogue and the necessary tool and equipment.

Additional Course Information
- Participants
A maximum of 18 participants for the theoretical part of this course will be allowed.
- Training Material
The manuals and training materials will be provided in electronic format. The candidates are required to bring suitable computer hardware in order to access the training material. The computer hardware should ideally be a laptop, or tablet computer, with USB ports for access and wifi capable. We recommend a minimum screen size of 15”.
- Course Language
The course and all training material is in English language.
- Examination
On request an examination can be administered at the end of the course. Passing grade is 75%. After successful completion a Certificate of Attendance will be issued.

Steinackerstrasse 56
CH-8302 Kloten