Make your dream come true and become an airline pilot!

With the desire for flying, we associate the crossing of borders, the conquest of the third dimension, a gain in quality for life, enrichment and horizon enlargement.

Since 1979 Horizon Swiss Flight Academy has helped students to fulfil their dreams of becoming airline pilots. We have lend wings to thousands of pilots, who now fly in cockpits all over the world. They fly for Helvetic Airways, easyJet, REGA, British Airways, SWISS, Lufthansa and Cargolux, just to name a few. 
We guide you professionally, with state-of-the-art training tools in the heart of Europe on your way to the frozen-ATPL EASA Part-FCL licence, directly into the cockpit of the European air carriers. The training up to frozen-ATPL can be conducted part-time or full-time at various locations in Switzerland and partly overseas.

Airplane Pilot Horizon Swiss Flight Academy

Types of flying jobs

Having a frozen ATPL is a requirement for conducting a Type Rating for an employment as a first officer in Multi Pilot Operations. The ATPL becomes unfrozen on the job when all the flight requirements are met. In the meantime the pilot holds a CPL license with an ATPL theory credit.. After having obtained a “frozen-ATPL” license one is eligible to fly a s First Officer in airline operations, business operation, cargo operations or even bush pilot.

Airline Transport Pilot License Horizon Swiss Flight Academy

Cost / Financing

Training up to a frozen-ATPL (CPL license with IR rating and ATPL theory) costs between CHF 119’000 and 129’000, if one does not have any previous flying experience. An existing EASA PPL license or SPHAIR course reduces the overall training costs, as these modules can be accredited towards the rest of the training. In combination with a federal diploma college title (Höhere Fachschule) a part of the training is subsidized.

Pilot License Theory Course

Salary and remuneration

Starting pay for First Officers upon completing their training range between CHF 50’000 and CHF 90’000. After a couple of years usually an upgrade to a commander position follows, which can double the salary. In addition to the basic pay, expenses are paid.

Unique training opportunities in Switzerland

Horizon Swiss Flight Academy has long lasting experience with training pilots. Horizon’s excellent reputation among various operators allows our graduates to easily find employment with an operator upon successful completion of the training. We guide you professionally, with state-of-the-art training tools in the heart of Europe on your way to the frozen-ATPL EASA Part-FCL licence, directly into the cockpit of European air carriers. The theoretical part may be conducted by Distance Learning or in the Classroom, practical training takes place among various locations in Switzerland. Additionally Horizon SFA offers the opportunity of obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree or an Advanced Federal Diploma together with the frozen ATPL.

Pilotenausbildung Horizon Swiss Flight Academy

Info Events

Every month, we offer non-binding info events for the Airline Cadet Programme in English and in German. They take place online or on site at Horizon Swiss Flight Academy.

Upcoming Info Events
02. Apr 19:00 - 21:30 h
sign up
15. Apr 19:00 - 21:30 h
sign up
07. May 19:00 - 21:30 h
sign up
  • Pre-Screening

    Horizon Swiss Flight Academy offers a pre-screening program, where students are pre-selected by operators during their training. The collaboration with easyJet Switzerland and Helvetic Airways allows the student to obtain assurance of a possible employment as First Officer upon successful completion of their training.

  • Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education

    Horizon SFA offers a combination of obtaining a frozen ATPL license and an Advanced Federal Diploma. Only this diploma grants permission to be officially regarded a pilot in the Swiss education system, as it follows the developed curriculum of Aerosuisse, which follows guidelines of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI and EASA Part-FCL. As a result the training is party subsidized by the student’s canton of residence. The obtained diploma allows students to attend a University of Applied Science after graduation.

  • Part-Time Training

    As the theoretical training can be conducted via distance learning, thus reducing presence learning times in a classroom to a minimum, our students can obtain their license while working part time. The practical training may take place outside of regular business hours or on weekends. Without any prior flying experience the training duration as part-time student ranges between 30 and 36 months.

  • Training Locations and Fleet

    The entire Single Engine Piston Training is conducted at various locations in Switzerland, where partner flight schools conduct training on behalf of Horizon. For experience building we even offer training opportunities in South Africa or the United States. The entire MEP IR Training takes place at the international airport of Zürich-Kloten, allowing the students to train in a demanding airline environment.

  • Bachelor of Science and frozen ATPL dual study course at ZHAW

    Obtaining a “frozen” ATP license at Horizon Swiss Flight Academy can be combined with a Bachelor degree in Aviation at ZHAW Winterthur. By combining both courses the overall training period can be shortened tremendously. During the fourth semester the theoretical training towards the pilot license commences. The practical training is completed at partner flight schools during the holiday periods and after the Bachelor studies.

  • Your cockpit career begins with SPHAIR

    An unconditional recommendation from SPHAIR replaces the aptitude test according to Part-FCL for becoming an airline pilot. In case your English level is found to be insufficient according to SPHAIR, Horizon requires you to take an additional test and pass at least level B2 according to CEFR. Submit your SPHAIR recommendation here.

  • Experience Building abroad

    We offer our students the opportunity to conduct a part of their experience building abroad with partner flight schools in South Africa or the United States. Horizon SFA takes care of the entire administration and ensures quality and a hassle free experience in scenic flying environments.

Training Duration Frozen ATPL

Without any previous flying experience obtaining a frozen ATPL license takes 22 - 35 months. If you already hold an EASA PPL license, the entire training duration can be shortened and your PPL experience will be fully accredited to further training modules. 

Training Duration with an Advanced Federal Diploma as Pilot

Without any previous flying experience obtaining a frozen ATPL license in combination with an Advanced Federal Diploma of  Higher Education takes 36 months. If you already hold an EASA PPL license, the entire training duration can be shortened and your PPL experience will be fully accredited to further training modules. 

Training Duration with Bachelor in Aviation (ZHAW)

Without any previous flying experience obtaining a frozen ATPL license in combination with Bachelor in Aviation (ZHAW) takes 36 months. If you already hold an EASA PPL license, the entire training duration can be shortened and your PPL experience will be fully accredited to further training modules. 

Build Horizons

Since 1979 Horizon supports students to realizing their dream of becoming an airline pilot. OUr graduates are the best reference for outstanding work according to industry standards. Find out more about them:

Leonardo Iacovazzo
First Officer - Emirates

"My first job led me to Helvetic Airways, after my training with Horizon. Now, another dream came true: First Officer with Emirates on A380-800. I gladly accept this new challenge on long-haul routes to see the world."

Marc Lüchinger
First Officer - Edelweiss Air

"Horizon’s distance e-learning platform enabled flexibility during my studies, which was exactly what I needed. Also, the teachers performed professionally, had a keen eye on details and invested time in each student. Therefore, the training was efficient and prepared me perfectly for my dream job ."

Yannick Fernandes
First Officer - easyJet Switzerland

"I could successfully manage my career start with Horizon's support. I can now enjoy Europe in an exciting environment. The profession airline pilot is an everyday challenge. I am aware of my responsibility and I constantly try to improve myself."

Yannik Maritz
First Officer - easyJet Switzerland

"The ability to become an airline pilot whilst working part-time suited me extremely well. I continued to work as polytechnician but was still able to swiftly pass through the training modules. I was instantly hired by easyJet Switzerland as a First Officer on Airbus A320 after graduating, and now live my dream as an airline pilot."

Linienpilot Horizon Swiss Flight Academy
Michael Frohofer
Commander - Helvetic Airways

"While working as a teacher the Horizon Distance Learning Concept allowed me to fulfill my dream of becoming an airline pilot. Now I fly the Embraer 190 as Commander for Helvetic Airways."

Pilotin werden Ausbildung Horizon Swiss Flight Academy
Sandra Meisser
First Officer - Edelweiss Air

"I was able to realize my childhood dream and enjoy now every minute above the clouds in this fascinating and exciting environment. Horizon SFA helped me to achieve this goal. Next to my job as First Officer it is my pleasure to work as a freelance theoretical knowledge instructor for Horizon."

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