ATPL (H) Theory (for CPL (H) holders)


  • Theoretical knowledge course Airline Transport Pilot Licence ATPL(H)
  • VFR only, according to Part-FCL (subjects 021, 022, 031, 033, 034, 040, 050, 061, 062, 070, 091)*
  • Average duration: 4-8 months
  • Average study hours: 340
  • Presence Learning Seminar: approx. 100 hours
  • Start virtually any time

*Appendix 1 to EASA FCL (A)(3.4)(3.6)

  • Credits are granted for subjects 010 Air Law and 080 Principles of Flight (no examinations required)

A tailored course for holders of a CPL (H), aiming for the ATPL(H) VFR theoretical exam. A Presence Learning Seminar of approximately 90 hours completes the course which requires an average of 340 study hours. The Presence Learning Seminar is considered as a general review and preparation for the FOCA exam. As the ATPL exam is “vertical testing”, the course and the seminar also covers reviews of the PPL and CPL levels.

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start anytime
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License Types:
Private Pilot License, Commercial Pilot License and Airline Transport pilot License

License Types:
Private Pilot License, Commercial Pilot License and Airline Transport pilot License

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English-diplom FCE first or higher
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Unrestricted SPHAIR Recommendation
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Aptitude Test acc. EASA Part-FCL

Please note: Before you are eligible to start a CPL or ATPL course you are required to pass a PART-FCL aptitude test consisting of Mathematics, Physics and Algebra. Additionally we require prro of your english proficiency, please upload your certificate . If you do not have one, we will provide you with a link in order to assess your english level.

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